Appraisal management company (AMC) bonds require that AMCs operate according to law…
Auctioneers in many states have to purchase a surety bond before they can be legally licensed…
Every state but Ohio and Vermont requires auto dealers to purchase some sort of surety bond…
Collection agency owners must purchase a surety bond before they can be legally licensed to…
Construction professionals in most states must purchase these bonds before they can be legally…
Suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies must purchase a…
Individuals who use competitive rates to encourage clients to switch energy providers must provide…
The Federal Maritime Commission requires ocean transportation intermediaries to provide…
All freight brokers must post a $75,000 bond to guarantee they operate in line with the…
Businesses that sell fishing licenses must purchase a surety bond before being permitted to…
Health clubs purchase a surety bond to guarantee membership fee reimbursement in case…
Businesses that sell hunting licenses must purchase a surety bond before being permitted…
To protect against predatory sales practices, government agencies require that insurance…
Medical marijuana dispensaries in some states have to file a surety bond with whatever…
Health care providers that bill Medicaid have to file bonds to ensure they’ll keep accurate…
Professional sports promoters who want to promote a specific MMA fighter or event must file…
Money transmitters must purchase a surety bond before they can be licensed…
A wide array of mortgage professionals – such as brokers, lenders, servicers and originators…
Before individuals can become a notary public, they must purchase a surety bond…
Outdoor advertising companies that plan to install signs must purchase a surety bond before…
Payday loan companies must purchase a surety bond as a way to guarantee they’ll use fair…
Nursing homes and other types of assisted living facilities must purchase surety bonds to…
Some states require funeral homes to purchase surety bonds to guarantee they’ll handle…
Some private schools have to purchase surety bonds to provide students and their families…
PEOs in some states must purchase a surety bond as a way to reduce fraud and other…
Surplus lines brokers must purchase a surety bond before they can be licensed to work in…
Government agencies require telemarketing companies to purchase a surety bond to guarantee…
Government agencies require title agencies to purchased a surety bond as a way to reinforce…
Travel agents purchase surety bonds to guarantee they’ll handle client funds appropriately…
In additional to regular auto dealer bonds, some states require a specific surety bond type…
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Surety Expert today.